What is the ACC "Working Dog Certification Program"?
The primary objective in the
establishment of this program is to encourage the development and use of
those natural working and retrieving abilities for which the Chesapeake
Bay Retriever was originally bred. Additionally, it is hoped that the
program will provide another available means to help determine future
breeding stock.
This description should be
read and followed in conjunction with the “Guidelines to the Judges and
Handlers” and the “Suggestions for Line Procedures”.
Dogs must be at least six
months of age and American Kennel Club (AKC), Canadian Kennel Club (CKC)
registered or holding a foreign registry acceptable in the country
holding the stake. An AKC ILP or PAL number is an acceptable
registration to be able to compete in this program.
Send an email to the WDXQ Program Director - Laurea Griggs, GA
You may download all the WD/X/Q
Rules and Guidelines in PDF format below
News-- The WDXQ Program has been revised as of 7-18-17 and is
available to print out below.
WD/X/Q Rules and Information
WD Stake
WDX Stake
WDQ Stake
Guidelines to Judges and Handlers
Suggestions for Line Procedures for WDXQ
(type right on it, print and mail)
Effective 7-18-17 - Updated Fees: A
$55 fee will be charged for ACC Members for entry. You must be approved as a
member by the entry deadline to use this fee. A $65 Fee will be charged for
Non-Members. Non-Members can run each dog
in only one stake - the WD, X or Q. You would sign an ACC membership
application that day (if not before). You have 30 days only to submit your
membership application with fee ACC Board approval. If approved as a member,
you would then receive your passing certificate from the ACC WD Program
Chairman. A Non-Member can run one time only as a non-member. See
the WDXQ rules for complete info.
Dogs wishing to
run Non-Contention: If your dog has previously earned
a WD/X/Q Certificate, you may run only at the end of the running order as
non-contention and providing there is enough time for extra dogs to run. These
Non-Contention entries will be approved at the entry deadline date according
to total number of dogs entered in the one-day competition. You would be
notified shortly after the entry deadline if your entry is accepted. See the WDXQ rules for complete info. |
Printouts only for the Stake Chairman
wishing to hold a WD/X/Q
Application to hold a WDXQ
Chairman Time-Line Schedule
Instructions for holding a WDXQ
WD Financial Report
An additional
information packet with many more items will be sent to the Stake Chairman
once they are confirmed for holding a WDXQ.
FYI: A Stake
Chairman may hold one or all of the WDXQ Stakes for an Event. It is not
necessary to hold all 3 at one time if you so choose. |
