2025 ACC FTS

Sept 16-18, 2025 – Burnham, ME
*** Entry Deadline ***
Monday, Sept 1, 2025

Located in the central part of Maine, Burnham is 1 hour from Bangor, Maine and 2 hours away from some of the best coastal scenes in the country. If you’ve never visited Maine before or have visited many times, you’ll want to plan on visiting the coast for a few days after the Specialty.  The average September weather in Maine is characterized by highs in the 70s and lows in the 50s. Perfect weather for running dogs and sightseeing. Family vacationers are usually gone by Labor Day, but retirees take up the slack, so plan ahead when making reservations.

The Specialty will be held on the same grounds used for the 2024 National Amateur, as well as some of the training grounds. For those who want to run an all-breed trial the weekend before, the Shoreline RC trial is about 4 hours away in Connecticut. In addition, the Maine RTC all-breed trial is held the weekend after the Specialty, on some of the same grounds as the Specialty.