June 19-22, 2014
7th Annual Chesapeake Meeting! Training weekend and WD/X/Q
Gerlinde Boross
Print Registration Form
Chesapeake Meeting in Gutenbrunn / Austria
---- Thunder and lightning as well as
cloudbursts were the starting signals for our Chessie-Meeting in
Austria. We did not let that put us to rout and started our
training full of enthusiasm. One group started the training
session with Jason Mayhew (from England) to do some waterside
training and the other group trained land-based with Catharina
and Kaj Lindström (from Sweden). After 1 ½ hours there was a
break to give all participants – human and canine – a chance to
rest. For the next training the groups were swapped. Training
was done diligently using both game and dummies.
Most of the dogs were young
and inexperienced Chessies. They were passionate about doing
the training. It was an easy and amicable cooperation for all of
the participants and each and every one shot the breeze to
support and share experience and knowledge in order to enhance
knowledge for everyone.
The WD/WDX/WDQ was done on
Saturday. There were lots of participants gladly attending. A
debriefing was done on Sunday , therefore enabling everyone to
take back home some new routines for practicing.
The catering during these 3
days was exquisite – everyone knows that you cannot work well on
an empty stomach! Dinner was held at the Hotel Seewolf on
Thursday, at the Mohnwirt on Friday and at the Bühnenwirtshaus
on Saturday. We visited the 1rst Austrian Whiskey distillery on
Friday afternoon. There was a very interesting conducted tour
and afterwards a delicious tasting of their products. Later on,
we drove to the well-known Mohndorf (“Poppy village”). The local
farmers market, which was opened especially for us at this time
of day, had some gaping spaces afterwards…. There were
mouth-watering poppy-schnaps (“liquor”) varieties, e.g.
poppy-egg liqueur or poppy-red wine liqueur, alternating with
superbly smelling skin creams and of course the Mohnzelten (a
kind of muffin cookie with poppy inside) as well as Mohnstrudel
(poppy strudel). All things considered: a joyful excursion.
As the weather persevered
over the weekend – so did we. For me as the organizer it was a
successful weekend. I hope all participants could take some
ideas home with regard to training and handling their dogs.
I would like to take this
opportunity and thank all trainers and assistants for their
efforts! Looking forward to meeting you all again next year at
the Austrian Chessie Meeting 2015!
Gerlinde Boross, ACC RD
6-21-14 WD Stake -
two dogs passed the WD - Judges:
Jason Mayhew, England and Catharina Lindstrom, Sweden
Owner: Angela Hanicke, Germany
Chessfriends' Anna Amalia female
Owner: Michal Straka, Czech Republic CH Benjamin Bert
from Hofion male

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