
Chesapeake Events Around the Globe - Denmark
2017 Upcoming Events
April 29-30:
Inofficial cold game test (day 1) and training day. Jutland, near Randers.
Further information:
Aug. 19-26: The 2017
Danish Chesapeake Bay Retriever Specialty. Celebrating ‘50 years with
Chessies’ in the Danish Retriever Club
Aug. 19: Temperament
test, Danish KC rules
Aug. 20: Blood tracking test (schweiss), 3 & 20 h 400 m tracks
Aug. 23: Qualification
test (basic cold game test)
Aug. 24: Rally-Obedience, all classes
Aug. 25: Working test (on canvas bumpers/dummies)
Aug. 26: Cold game test & ‘the 50 year Specialty Dinner
Aug. 27: National Specialty CBR Show
All info about the
Specialty events, entry & payment to be found here:
– more details to follow, check in often!
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