American Chesapeake Club

Established 1918

Board of Directors and Committees


President: Tina Cox (MI)

Vice President: Frank Pittelli (MD)

Secretary: Suellen Appellof (KS)

Treasurer: Brian Newman (KY)


Director:Marlene Drag, DVM (MO)

Director:Robyn Haskin (NY)

Director:Kathleen Luthy (FL)

Director:Jen Martin (MI)

Director:Bryan Porter (CA)


ACC Bulletin Managing Editor: Michelle Keehn, MI

ACC Bulletin Assistant Editor: Vacant

Classifieds: Ann Law, NJ

(Puppy/Older Dogs/Stud Ads)

Companion Sports: Lynda Barber-Wiltse, AK


Family Dog Programs: Joanne Silver, DE

(CGC, CGCA, CGCU, Farm Dog, Service Dog, STAR Puppy, Therapy Dog, Trick Dog)

Field Report: Carol Knapp, CA

Health/Genetics: Gale Frana, TN

Hunt Test Headlines: Vacant

Juniors Corner: Karen Brown, VA

Performance Podium: Marty Smith, NJ

(Barn Hunt, Coursing, Dock Diving, Flyball, Herding, Search & Rescue, Scentwork/Nosework, Shed, WD/X/Q, Any other not included in Companion Sports or Family Dog)

Show Scene: Marty Smith, NJ

Committee Chairs/Project Leaders

ACC Charitable Trust: Diane Mazy, ID

AKC Delegate: Heidi Henningson, NE

AKC Gazette Breed Column Coordinator: Betsy Horn Humer

Breed & Club Information Referral: ACC Website

Book Sales: Steve Webb, PA

Breeder List & Classifieds: Ann Law, NJ

Bulletin Archivist (additional bulletins): Vacant

Challenge Trophy – NFTS (National Field Trial Specialty): Carol Knapp, CA

Challenge Trophy – NSS (National Show Specialty): Show Committee

Club Merchandise: Stephanie Adelmann, MN

CRTA Liaison: Julie Cole, CA

DUAL Awards: Joanne Silver, DE

Historian Archivist: Vacant

Historian Statistician: Dawn Logan, PA

Judge Education Coordinator to the AKC: Betsy Horn Humer, VA

Junior Coordinator: Devon Kipp Levy

Legislative Liaison: Sharon Coleman, CA

Membership Chair: Mel Phillips, VA

National Animal Interest Alliance Liaison (NAIA): Vacant

Public Education Coordinator: Carolyn Johnson, FL

Regional Director Chair: Vacant

Register of Merit (ROM) Program Coordinator: Lynda Barber-Wiltse, AK

Rescue Coordinator: Heidi Henningson, NE

Sunshine: Vacant

Video Librarian: Carol Cassity, FL

 Volunteer Coordinator: Frank Pittelli, MD

WD/X/Q Program Director: Laurea Griggs, GA

Website Manager: Suellen Appellof, KS

Standing Committees

All terms are 3 years except if someone is appointed Chair while serving on the Committee that person may serve 5 years total on the committee, but no more. All standing committees must include a Board member. The Board member is indicated by an *. Dates in ( ) indicate end of term.

Companion/Performance Events

Chair- Debra Rusz, MI (12/26)

Liaison- *Jen Martin, MI

Jill Conroy, NY (2/27)

Dennis Kirkpatrick, NC (2/26)

KC Owens, UT (2/27)

Field Trial Committee

Chair- Mitch Patterson, IL (2/26)

Liason- *Frank Pittelli, MD

Brett Crow, ID (2/26)

Gary Kavan, NE (6/25)

Tom Lind, WI (2/27)

Health Committee

Chair- Gale Frana, TN (9/25)

Liaison*Marlene Drag, DVM, MO

Moira Frank, Germany (5/27)

Melissa Moreno, NY (3/27)

Kim Hitt, DVM, NY (11/25)

Hunt Test Committee

Chair- Tom Martin, MI (11/27)

Liaison*Kathy Luthy, FL

Gene Figge, IL (3/28)

John Gammon, WA (4/25)

John Theut, MI (10/27)

Judge and Breeder Education Committee  (JBEC) 

Chair- Renee Wolfe, CO (7/28)

Liaison- *Kathy Luthy, FL

Mitchel Horowitz, MD (3/28)

George Makatura, NC (3/28)

Nancy Rickerson, WA (10/27)

Lifetime Achievement Award Committee 

Chair- Heidi Henningson, NE (7/26)

Liaison- *Robyn Haskin, NY

Linda Patterson, IL (3/25)

Melissa Schumann, WA (3/25)

Linda Harger, ID (3/28)

Show Committee 

Chair- Melissa Schumann, WA (5/27)

 Liaison- *Robyn Haskin, NY

Angie Cox, TN (8/27)

Patty Martin, OH (3/27)

Marty Smith, NJ (9/26)

Ad-Hoc Committees & Groups

These committees serve until the projects are completed at which time the committee is disbanded.  There are no term limits. All Ad-Hoc committees must include a Board Member. The board member is indicated by an *. 

Bylaws Revision Committee

Chair- Lynda Barber-Wiltse, AK

Liaison- *Jen Martin, MI

Tina Cox, MI

Gale Frana, TN

Heidi Henningson, NE

Breed Rescue Service
Chair- Heidi Henningson, NE

Liaison-*Bryan Porter, CA

Cheri Glankler, ID

Steve Webb, PA

CBR Data Group

Chair- Gina Downin, MD

Liaison- *Bryan Porter, CA

Jeanne Ohrnberger, MI

Amy Wernecke, MD

Electronic Communication Group (ECG)
Chair- Suellen Appellof, KS

Liaison- *Frank Pittelli, MD

Tina Cox, MI

Gina Downin, MD

Suzanne Holt, MN

Ann Law, NJ

Dawn Logan, PA

Health Survey

Chair- Mitchel Horowitz, MD

Liaison- *Jen Martin, MI

Veronica Mercer, Ontario, Canada

2025 Nominating Committee

Chair: Michael McCarthy, NJ  
Board Representative: *Suellen Appellof, KS
GiGi Grant, ID
Skye Kreger, OK
Craig Larson, MD 
Alternates –
Board Representative: Marlene Drag, DVM, MO
Sandy Morris, TN 
Betsy Humer, VA 

Editorial Committee
Chair- Michelle Keehn, MI

Liaison*Marlene Drag, DVM, MO

Lynda Barber-Wiltse, AK

Karen Brown, FL

Carol Knapp, CA

Joanne Silver, DE

Marty Smith, NJ

WD/X/Q Update

Chair *Kathy Luthy, FL

Pat Baughman, NE

Laurea Griggs, GA